蓝岭公路 (Blue Ridge Parkway) 1 想去蓝岭公路的心思,来自一本叫做Lonely Planet 的美旅指南。暑假的时候,我和D一起读一位国内摄影师在四月开完了美国66号公路。我也开始向往做一趟公路旅行,买了一本他用过的参考书。 蓝岭公路是美国东部一条著名的山区风景区路线。横跨Virginia 州和North Carolina州,全长755千...
Blue Ridge Parkway Blue Ridge Parkway(蓝岭公路),全程469miles为全美最美十大公路之一,北接弗吉尼亚州Virginia的ShenandahNP(仙南渡国家公园),skylinedrive(天际线)贯穿全园。南达北卡罗莱纳州NorthCarolina的GreatSmoky Mountains(大烟山国家公园),作为全美最受欢迎的国家公园(是的,它超越了有名的不要不要的黄石~),...
值得!(所以我就有了回来一定要写攻略的执念啊,奈何就是懒。) Blue Ridge Parkway,北接弗吉尼亚州Virginia的Shenandah NP(仙南渡国家公园),skyline drive(天际线)贯穿全园。南达北卡罗莱纳州North Carolina的Great Smoky Mountains(大烟山国家公园),作为全美最受欢迎的国家公园(是的,它超越了在国内有名的不要不要的...
Blue Ridge Parkway MapThis Blue Ridge Parkway map indicates the many convenient access points in the Roanoke Region in Virginia's Blue Ridge.This scenic road passes through many popular points of interest in the region and can be easily reached from various locations.View Blue Ridge Parkway Map ...
To really appreciate one of the country's most-visited parks, you should spend the night. Here's a breakdown of all the Blue Ridge Parkway camping spots and tips for your trip.
A guide authored by folks who are dedicating a part of their lives to share in the Blue Ridge Parkway experience. Find maps, photos, news & more.
蓝岭公路(Blue Ridge Parkway)横跨弗吉尼亚、田纳西和北卡三州。踏上这条长达755公里的静谧公路,你会感受到时而盘旋山岭,时而深入幽谷的美妙。同时,也能饱览雪兰多河和蓝岭山脉的秀美。#玩美户外#http://t.c...
蓝色山脊公园道〈Blue Ridge Parkway〉是美东主要吸引人的风景区之一。 蓝色山脊公园道是由美国国家公园管理局〈National Park Service〉管理,这条风景优美的山路沿著蓝色山脊山脉〈Blue Ridge Mountains〉从维吉尼亚州的 Shenandoah 国家公园开始,一直到北卡罗来纳及田纳西州交界的大烟山国家公园〈Great Smoky Mountains ...