Of the 143883 characters on Anime Characters Database, 167 are from the video game Pokemon Red and Blue.
Other Names ヒトカゲ Wealth Role Supporting From Pokemon Red and Blue Media Type video game Voiced By Tags fire, pokemon Personality Menu Day 0 Character of the Day nominations Week 0 Character of the Week nominations Month 0 Character of the Month nominations Comment Groups Votes Fav 8...
NameKyousuke Kamisaka Other Names神坂 京介(かみさか きょうすけ) Wealth RoleUnsorted FromTriangle BLUE Media Typeh-game Voiced By Tagstank top,blazer,spiky hair,mullet,small eyes,hair intakes,dog tag Personality Menu Day 0Character of the Daynominations ...
While occasionally rather screwier in its plot developments than necessary, and with some characters who are less than fully realized, the show delivers a wild creativity you don't run into very often.I suspect that the show's general aim was its own downfall, as it tried to create a ...
I Love Zouras because they are fox Pokemon. Zouras are awsome! My pet Zoura! Like her on Facebook! Her page name is Lily The Zoura. Tail's Pet Shop Welcome to my Pet Shop! To buy a pet(or food for a pet you have), give me the amont of coins needed. (earn them doing ...
2. Wolverine’s pet Pokemon dog Nine Tails (九) walks in very ill 3. Wolverine Drops a Drop (丶) of medicine into Nine Tails mouth and Nine Tails spits out a Giant PILL (丸) 4. Wolverine holds the Giant PILL up and says: “Who’s been feeding you PILLS like this Dogo?”...
Just once, couldn't we have female and notfemale characters coexist and want NOTHING TO DO with each other after any amount of time?! The next time I hear "new Harry Potter book" and "hormones" in the same sentence I'm going to gag myself until I vomit all over whoever said it. ...
Characters Quotes Butterfree21 views Caterpie Pokemon Red and Blue Metapod Pokemon Red and Blue Butterfree Pokemon Red and Blue Random M F X Animal Ears ☰ Menu >>> ID124193 NameButterfree Other Namesバタフリー Wealth RoleUnsorted
NameBlue Dragon Other Namesブルードラゴン Wealth RoleUnsorted FromBLUE DRAGON (Anime) Media Type动画 Voiced ByMasaya Takatsuka, 高塚正也, たかつか まさや Tagsdragon,horns Personality Menu Day 0Character of the Daynominations Week 0Character of the Weeknominations ...
We can always use help adding characters we missed! Please be sure to read this guide to adding characters first if you are interested. The series with the longest title is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness ( 55 letters ) and the series with the shortest title is ...