Blue pills: a positive love story is a graphic novel by Swiss cartoonist Frederik Peeters. A gently philosophical tale of relationships, love and the difficulties faced after a HIV/AIDS diagnosis, it garnered great acclaim in its original French and was published in English last year. It is,...
Thepillsarethemostdifficult, 吃药是件苦差事 sometastebitter,othersaretoolarge. 药片有的太苦有的太大 Imtakingaboutthirtyaday, 每天我得吃大约30粒 awalkingchemicallaboratory. 简直像个会走路的化学实验室 IgagonthemasIswallowthem 我把它们塞进嘴里咽下去 andtheycomeuphalfdissolved inthecoughingandthesplutter...
A matchbox gets slid open by perfectly manicured fingers that take out a few white pills. Two girls are dancing with each other and move into a kiss. MARK's voiceovers are starting to overlap and cascade into each other-- Goldenrod Working Draft - 29/10/2010 14. M...