Clear Blue will provide BRCK with its Smart Off-Grid technology and service for a multi-year rollout of thousands of WiFi hotspots across Africa, set to begin in 2019 and running through 2024. Read More... Clear Blue Technologies International Lists on Frankfurt Stock Exchange Wednesday ...
Connect VCC to 3.3V of the Blue Pill only if the jumper on the USB to FTDI adapter is on 3.3V! If the jumper is on 5V or if the adapter has no 3.3V jumper, connect VCC to 5V of the Blue Pill. (The Blue Pill has an on-board 3.3V regulator) NEVER CONNECT A PIN OF THE BLU...
In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) DevOps service the Blue-Green deployment strategy is implemented in the following four stages of which two are optional: Blue-Green deployment stage: In this stage, the two environments (for instance group or OKE) are selected along with the artifacts to...;; Operating voltage: 3.3V to 7V Operating temperature range: -40 ° C to + 90 ° C ...
DevSecOps Chef InSpec- Language for describing security and compliance rules, which become automated tests that can be run against IT infrastructures to discover and report on non-compliance. OpenSCAP Base- Both a library and a command line tool (oscap) used to evaluate a system against SCAP bas...
VIRAL Schoolboard Mom: ‘Do You Hate My Straight Kids?’ Racism is NOT Black or White Sodom Discovered By Archaeologists! w/ Dr. John Bergsma I HAVE FULL INTERNET! FUCK WITH ME NOW! FUCK WITH ME NOW! SURVEILLANCE ABUSE! ABLE-San Diego Police Helicopters INFORMATION! SURVEILLANCE ABUSE!!
CH552G Dev Board Description A simple breakout board with minimal hardware design for the CH552g as well as a C project to be used as a basis. I've become fond of the CH552g for projects as it's simple like AVR unlike something like ARM, but it doesn't require a programmer and has...
A simple breakout board with minimal hardware design for the CH552g - ch552g-dev-board/shell.nix at main · blueOkiris/ch552g-dev-board
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 0 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified Binary file added BIN +2.61 MB ch552g-dev-board.jpg Loading Viewer requires iframe. 0 comments on commit e29fab1 Please sign in to comment. ...
Connect VCC to 3.3V of the Blue Pill only if the jumper on the USB to FTDI adapter is on 3.3V! If the jumper is on 5V or if the adapter has no 3.3V jumper, connect VCC to 5V of the Blue Pill. (The Blue Pill has an on-board 3.3V regulator) NEVER CONNECT A PIN OF THE BLU...