此处实现了一个简单的项目,用以演示DHT11湿度和温度传感器与基于STM32F103C8T6 MCU的STM32 Blue Pill Board的接口。
To build for the Blue Pill you can select BLUEPILL_F103C8 or NUCLEO_F103RB as your target, depending on the Flash size actually available on your Blue Pill board. To reduce the size of used static RAM and Flash try to select the small library for your project rather than the standard ...
Buck50 open-source test and measurement firmware turns Blue Pill STM32 board into a logic analyzer compatible with Sigrok and PulseView
One of the key ideas of microcontroller interrupts, will be covered in this course. The STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill Board interrupts are also something I’ll demonstrate for you. With this understanding of STM32 Interrupts, you can create better code for the MCU’s effective use. Introduction One...
Edible pill pocket for administering medication to animals Grant Learn more by requesting a demo Latest Blue Buffalo Pet Products News Deal-Master Debbane: Meet The Secretive Lebanese Immigrant Behind Oprah’s Weight Watchers Windfall Apr 9, 2024 Action Against Hunger 2015 Benefit Gala 2015 Getty Im...
This is GRBL 1.1f, a firmware used to control a CNC milling machine or laser engraver/cutter, for the STM32F103 micro-controller. That MCU is used on the very cheap "Blue Pill" board. A few other 32-bit GRBL repositories can be found on Github but most of these use dedicated IDE's ...
JTAG Versaloon firmware for the STM32 Bluepill board. Build Just a matter of make -j in the root folder if you have an ARM GCC toolchain installed on your computer. If you have docker, you can just run ./build.sh, it will build the firmware for you. The produced binaries are the ...
The Blue Pill is a development board based on ST Microelectronics’ STM32F103C9T6 microcontroller that has an ARM Cortex-M3 core that runs at 72MHz max.
But there was no ‘cure’ or magic pill for what afflicted our son and theirs. We would have to find out what combination worked for our little Alex through trial and error. And it wouldn’t happen quickly. By now I was over halfway through my probationary first year at the FAA. The...