The meaning of BLUE is of the color whose hue is that of the clear sky : of the color blue. How to use blue in a sentence.
Blue (the other preferred tie color of choice for business and politics) is now thought to boost creativity. Image (Image credit: Dreamstime) In high-stakes politics and business, there are only two colors of ties: red and blue. Oh, sure, you might spot purple or yellow now and then...
Denver Once Blue, Now Red for PoliticsCHERYL CORLEY
a blue joke or film. Politics. relating to, supporting, or belonging to the Democratic Party in the United States; Democratic: Comparered1( def 14 ). The county effectively turned blue, with all 38 district judges elected being Democrats. ...
Class politics in red and blue: explaining differences (and similarities) in what rich and poor want from governmentpublic opinionrepresentationpolitical inequalitypolitical behaviorMuch research suggests that the political views of wealthy people tend to be better represented in policy than those of the...
As he drew the first ball, Craig said: "This is the moment - it's red. That means Sir Keir Starmer goes first." Guto Harri, former Downing Street director of communications, said: "Rishi gets the last word." Award-winning political editorRigbywill scr...
Another use ofredis in American politics, where it indicates that one supports Republican candidates or their policies. The termred state, for example, gained popularity during the 2000 U.S. presidential election between Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore. News coverage showed election...
True to red-state form, Texas prides itself on its low taxes—no corporate or individual income tax, and just a 1 percent business franchise tax. The state’s Cost of Doing Business ranking, at No.21, suffers somewhat because of high property taxes, office rents and wages. Nonetheless, th...
Disconnected, or Joined at the Hip? 2006. Red and Blue Nation? Volume I--Characteristics and Causes of America's Polarized Politics. Washington, DC/Stanford, CA: Brookings Inst. Press and Hoover Inst. PressNivola, Pietro S. and David W. Brady, eds. 2008. Red and... A Abramowitz 被引...
Are red or blue companies more likely to go green? Politics and corporate social responsibility Journal of Financial Economics Volume 111, Issue 1,January 2014, Pages 158-180 Purchase options Academic and personalFor academic or personal use only. ...