Blue cohosh was used by American Indians as a sedative, with the name "cohosh" deriving from the Algonquin name of the plant. It was used by Menomini, Meskawi, Ojibwe, and Potawatomi tribes for menstrual cramps, suppression of profuse menstruation, and induction of contractions in labor. In...
Plant growth LEDsNovel Eu-doped NaBaB9O15 phosphors were successfully prepared by a traditional solid-phase method in air. It is found that Eu ions can be reduced to Eu spontaneously even in a non-reducing atmosphere due to the charge compensation and the rigid three-dimensional structure of ...
and rivers, which constitutes "blue water" while "green water" is the water in the root zone, the part of the upper vadose zone instrumental in partitioning rain and irrigation water into evaporation, transpiration, runoff, and deep drainage [47], which is the source of plant nutrition [48...