The home of authentic 100% Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee. The best of the best, directly sourced and officially certified.
The Blue Mountains form the longest mountain range in Jamaica. They include the island's highest point, Blue Mountain Peak, at 2256 m (7402 ft).[1] From the summit, accessible via a walking track, both the North and South coasts of the island can be seen. On a clear day, the ...
牙买加蓝山地区的咖啡有三个等级:蓝山咖啡(Blue Mountain Coffee),高山咖啡(Jamaica High Mountain Supreme Coffee Beans)和牙买加咖啡(Jamaica Prime Coffee Beans)。其中的蓝山咖啡和高山咖啡下面又各分两个等级。从质量来分由上到下依次为:蓝山一号,蓝山二号,高山一号,高山二号,牙买加咖啡。通常情况下种植在海拔457...
3. Mavis Bank Coffee Factory 5.78 MILES Established in 1923 and located 1km southwest of Mavis Bank, this is the largest coffee factory in Jamaica, producing Blue Mountain coffee sold under the… Login 4. Reggae Falls 8.37 MILES These artificial falls, created by the Hillside Dam, make...
1.1 直线距离1.1km Catherine's Peak 1.8 直线距离1.4km Cafe Blue Coffee farm 1.3 博物馆 直线距离1.7km 查看全部 Skyline Plaza 直线距离6.2km Papine Plaza 直线距离6.8km Art Centre Limited 直线距离6.9km 查看全部 金斯敦 Kingston 景点所属目的地热门...
Blue Mountain Coffee Inc continues to roast the highest quality of handpicked Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee. This is only possible because of the micro farms and single estate coffee factories that partner with us and the close relationships and friendships we have built over the years. We are ...
(Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee),其中的蓝山咖啡和高山咖啡下面又各分四个等级。从质量来分由上到下依次为:NO.1、NO.2、NO.3和PB,PB就是圆豆。按照CIB的标准,只有种植在海拔666米以上部分的咖啡才被称为牙买加蓝山咖啡;高山咖啡 (Jamaica High Mountain Supreme Coffee Beans)在牙买加蓝山地区666米以下...