Blue Magic Spellbook All of the current spells accessible by the Blue Mage in the same order as the in-game spellbook. Also includes drop information and the elemental aspect of each spell, which can be viewed by hovering over the icons or clicking them for specifics. Blue Magic Spellbook...
Chrysolite Ring of Aiming Chrysolite Ring of Casting Chrysolite Ring of Fending Chrysolite Ring of Healing Chrysolite Ring of Slaying Classical Ring of Casting Copper Ring Coral Ring Credendum Ring of Casting Crimson Standard Ring Cryptlurker's Ring of Casting ...
他接过悠蒂递过来的水囊,灌下几口水后方才觉得不再压抑。 悠蒂担忧地走上前,试探着问:“约书亚大人,是否停下来休息?” 约书亚摇摇头,从悠蒂的手中牵过陆行鸟的缰绳。他用力地踩住脚踏,总算独自... 展开 FF克约 克莱约 最终幻想16 FF16 热度(18)评论(1)分享推荐喜欢 ...
Physical Damage 83 92 Magic Damage 83 92 Auto-attack 86.32 95.68 Delay 3.12 DPS 26.6 29.48 Intelligence +134 +149 Vitality +131 +146 Determination +131 +146 Spell Speed +92 +102 Materia: Repairs, Recycle & Style: Sells for x 656 722 Gear Set Atrociraptorskin Casting Set...
Physical Damage 45 45 Magic Damage 27 27 Auto-attack 41.99 41.99 Delay 2.8 DPS 16.07 16.07 Craftsmanship +521 +590 Control +280 +318 Materia: Repairs, Recycle & Style: Sells for x 621 684 Gear Set Pixie Cotton Crafting Set Repair Armorer (64) + Grade 7 or 600 Rebuild...
Blue Cattleya Corsage Head Item Patch 7.1 Requirements: RequiresAll Classes Level1 Item Level1 Statistics & Bonuses: Defense78 Magic Defense1314 Repairs, Recycle & Style: Sells forx 12 Repair Alchemist(1) + Grade 1or 10 ★ Male Female