Dragon Boat 2: Lock 2 Spin, Dragon Born, Dragon Champions, Dragon Chi, Dragon Fruit, Dragon Gate, Dragon Gold Stand Alone, Dragon Hot, Dragon Hot Hold and Spin, Dragon King: Legend of the Seas, Dragon Kingdom, Dragon Kingdom: Eyes of Fire, Dragon Lines Super, Drago...
Jameson Blake and Joao Constancia (My Lockdown Romance) Teejay Marquez & Jerome Ponce (Ben X Jim Forever) Favorite Performer The award goes to the artist who nailed both singing and dancing as well. He or she is a true ‘performer’ all-through-and-through and has owned the stage; o...
Using sweat droplets💧 to show nervousness or stress is a common feature in manga and anime. This emoji looks similar to😥, but with a blue head. Like many emojis, the meaning of 😰 can shift subtly depending on the context. It is most commonly used to express a variety of ...