While blue light, both natural and man-made, can be beneficial during the day to boost energy, attention, and focus, it has been shown to disrupt your circadian rhythm — and as a result, your sleep — at night. Today, thanks to technology, humans are exposed to more blue light today...
Understanding the effects of BL on cellular functions is becoming a significant health issue as humans are exposed to more blue-enriched LED illumination for most of the day and even at night due to shift work and light pollution in large cities1. While acute BL is phototoxic to different ce...
Light profoundly affects human physiology and behaviour via the retinohypothalamic (RHT) pathway that relays information from the retina to the circadian pacemaker in the suprachiasmatic nuclei1. In humans, this pathway has been functionally mapped out by examining acute responses to evening or night-t...
We conclude that blue light affects humans differently. It is essential to consider this when assessing the impact of the BLE on society.doi:10.1117/1.1851512H.ZohdiF.ScholkmannU.WolfAdv Exp Med BiolAdvances in experimental medicine and biology...
light (with lower L-cone activation and high S-cone activation, activating an −S + L opponent channel)24. This is somewhat counter-intuitive in the light of prior research as many studies in humans have shown that short-wavelength (enriched) light exerts stronger effects on the ...
“This is consistent with what is known in humans, that exposure to the blue light of our electronic displays has the biggest effect on our sleep and possibly other physiological cycles,” says co-author Aneesh Bose, who did the work while at MPI-AB. ...
Visible light, the light humans are able to see, is measured in the the range from 380 nanometers (nm) to 780 nm. Ultraviolet light (UV) starts just past the shorter end of the visible spectrum, meaning it is not visible to the human eye. Blue light is the range of visible light,...
“pure” by lesbianism, is seen as sacred and mystical. If you don’t believe me, wait until the scene where the man is giving a lecture to a group of women on the mysterious power of the female orgasm in art. Of course the sole straight sex scene of the movie seems like the most...
This study is the first to investigate the association betweenblue lightexposure andearly pubertyinmale rats, and sheds light on howenvironmental factors, such as screen time, impact early puberty and testicular tissue, which could eventually lead to future prevention strategies for children. ...
On an evolutionary scale, not long ago humans lived outdoors and were ruled by the sunrise and sunset. That’s why a blue-light-sensing protein called melanopsin exists in human eyes. The bright daylight activates melanopsin, thus synchronizing the internal clock to raise alertness, boost reactio...