Blue light is located in a narrow band near an outer edge of the visible spectrum, with wavelengths close to those of ultraviolet light. Blue light triggers your eyes to react, especially the lens,retina, and cornea. Some research shows a link between eye damage and short-wave blue light ...
Research has shown that lenses that filter blue light — often called blue light-blocking glasses or blue blockers — may increase contrast and comfort. Thesecomputer glassesthat filter blue light may reduce eye tiredness — especially if you use digital devices for extended periods of time. Not...
Blue light is a predominant component of light emitting devices (LEDs), which are increasingly present in our environment. There is already accumulating evidence that blue light exposure causes damage to retinal cells in vitro and in vivo; however, much
Nitrite is a severe respiratory, eye, and skin irritant. Acute exposure to high levels of nitrites can be fatal. Exposure may cause visual field defects, hypotension, tachycardia, respiratory depression, and cyanosis due to formation of methemoglobinemia. Symptoms may also include headache, confusion...
“Light therapy” boxes, which emit bright white and blue light rays,can help treatseasonal affective disorder (SAD) symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain and feelings of worthlessness. Some studiessuggestthat light therapy boxes used for about 30 minutes daily can even be as effective as antidep...
“GUNNAR’s patented lens technology is designed to address the symptoms of digital eye strain. Their experience since 2006, and constant innovation on the latest research, is what sets them apart. I recommend GUNNAR gaming and computer glasses to all of my patients!” ...
Blue blockers from Dr. S Eyewear block 99% of blue light. Protect your eyes with blue light blocking computer glasses made by a licensed optometrist. Free shipping for online orders!
Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), or sometimes called Digital Eye Strain, signifies the array of symptoms that are associated with computer eye strain. Blue light exposure and CVS are becoming increasingly serious threats to our vision and health. In this digital age, computers and smart phones...
blue light for long periods of time, often until late at night at short visual distances. This combination of excessive near work and chromatic intraocular challenges linked to blue light strains the eye muscles and can contribute to visual discomfort and asthenopic symptoms associated with digital...
The study lasted 22 days with 10 days of morning-light treatment on weekdays during the first 2 weeks. Results Depressive symptoms (SIGH SAD) diminished over the 3-week period in all conditions, with no significant differences between conditions. The percentage responders were high, differing from...