Blue light blocking (BLB) glasses are supposed to protect eyes from the effects of short-wave length light from our smartphones, computer screens and LED lights. Given how much time we spend on our devices, using this type of glasses sounds like a smart investment, right?Elizabeth Esparaz,...
No matter if you wear prescription lenses for better eyesight or if you want to mix things up with a cool pair of eyewear, popping on some blue light glasses could be just what your eye health and outfit needs. "Blue light blocking glasses filter out a range of blue light wavelengths and...
What causes the popularity of blue-light-blocking glasses? A. Evidence of their benefits to eyes. B. Belief in blue light's harmful effect. C. Widespread use of smart devices. D. Scientific understanding of blue light. 相关知识点:
Researchers reviewed data from 17 randomized controlled trials — the "current, best available evidence" they could find on the topic — andpublished the resultsFriday in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews journal. The findings? Glasses marketed to filter out blue light probably make no di...
Blue-light-blocking glasses are supposed to protect eyes from the effects of short-wavelength light emitting from our smartphones, computer screens and LED lights. Given how much time we spend on our devices, this sounds like a smart investment, right? After all, eye strain is a real issue...
We’ll start with the bad news: there is no evidence that blue light glasses have any effect on eye strain from digital screens.One recent studyused blue light blocking filters, which filter out 99% of blue light from screens. These screens are far more effective than blue light glasses, ...
Blue-light blocking glasses have gained popularity over the past few years with the idea they protect our eyes against screen usage— but a new analysis shows they might not be as beneficial to our eye health as previously hoped.Researchers reviewed data from 17 randomized controlled trials (随机...
讲述了之前的研究也发现了没有证据表明阻蓝眼镜能减轻眼睛疲劳,再结合划线词后的the fact that there is virtually no evidence that blue-blocking glasses affect eyestrain(事实上,几乎没有证据表明防蓝光眼镜会影响眼睛疲劳)可推测出,这个新报告进一步强化了没有证据表明阻蓝眼镜对眼睛疲劳有影响的事...
This is where the (true) idea that blue light affects oursleep-wake cycleor circadian rhythm originates from. And also why many correctivelensproducers have started cashing in on blue-light filtering glasses. The most common claims that go along with these lenses is thatthey will help restore ...
D Blue-light-blocking glasses are supposed to reduce the effects of short-wavelength light from our smartphones, computer screens and LED lights:namely, eye strain(眼疲劳) leading to poor sleep and cataracts and macular degeneration(白内障和视网膜黄斑部变性). They can range from under $15 all ...