Deriving its English title, Blue is the Warmest Colour, from the source graphic novel Le Bleu est une couleur chaude by Julie Maroh, La Vie D’Adele Chapitres 1 et 2 (its French title) is the fifth film from director Abdellatif Kechiche, since his debut in 2000 with La Faute a Voltai...
Blue Is the Warmest Colour Blue is the warmest colour ,首先压根就不用纠结blue是不是一种暖色调,而是电影中blue呈现出来的感觉。对于我个人来说,这部电影与莎莉.霍金斯主演的《无忧无虑》比较起来,蓝色仿佛是一道划破沉闷天际的闪电,惊心动魄,而后者才是温暖明媚的基调。电影里无处不在的蓝色毫无疑问是导演的...
至少,在马路中间,她俩擦肩而过的那一瞬间,她们彼此眼里都看不到其他人。而她的眼里只有她浅蓝色的头发。 阿黛尔,这个高中生似乎不清楚自己的性取向,整天迷迷茫茫,又快步奔跑。听见朋友说同班有个男生暗恋自己,便懵懵懂懂地和他约会,之后也不明白自己想要的到底是什么,但绝不是他……误以为一个女朋友喜欢自己,鼓...
‘Blue is the Warmest Colour’ is a minutely detailed, searingly erotic three-hour study of first lesbian love. Its writer-director, the French-Tunisian Abdellatif Kechiche, had a setback with his last film, 2010’s ‘Black Venus’. An imposing biopic of the nineteenth-century South African...
until at some point they age out of it or become somehow less attractive. Blue is the Warmest Color is the perfect illustration of that male gaze trapped in a bottle. It is similar to Nabokov’s Lolita or Adrian Lyne’s 9 1/2 Weeks — this need to watch everything, to see everythin...
Blue Is The Warmest Colour 預約看片 導演: 阿布戴柯西胥 主演: 蕾雅瑟杜 阿黛兒艾薩卓普洛斯 年份:2014 片長:177分鐘 分級:限制級 , 需年滿 18 歲,攜帶證明文件 標籤: 費比西國際影評人獎 坎城影展金棕櫚獎 坎城影展費比西國際影評人獎 DVD影片 ...
Blue Is the Warmest Colour Movie Review Blue Is the Warmest Colouris a2013 Frenchromance film directed byAbdellatif Kechicheand starringLea SeydouxandAdele Exarchopoulos. It’s such a difficult film. ………. “But I have infinite tenderness for...
Blue is the Warmest Colour (2013): “Existence precedes essence.” August 9, 2014· by Anna (Film Grimoire)· in photo post · 26 Comments Based on a graphic novel of the same name by Julie Maroh, Blue is the Warmest Colour (2013, dir. Abdellatif Kechiche) tells the story of Adèl...
Blue Is the Warmest Colour(2013) NC-17 180 min|Drama, Romance Edit pageAdd to list Track Adèle's life is changed when she meets Emma, a young woman with blue hair, who will allow her to discover desire and to assert herself as a woman and as an adult. In front of others, Adèle...