And that I, someone who is serving a patron deity that is the god of madmen, might have missed a few things about living in a Big City in terms of how I view the spiritual world around me and how the gods still talk to those of us here. There is a god/dess in everyone and ...
Whether the pilgrims are aware of it themselves or not, they do have one thing in common – they have all beencalledand they are walking to connect with something much larger than themselves. And although initially embarking on the Camino for some other non-spiritual motive, by the end of ...
Most Delvians follow a spiritual discipline known as the Delvian Seek, the priests (Pa'u) of which can attain empathic and telepathic abilities through extensive meditation. Pa'u are also famous for their skill with sensual techniques (and for their corresponding sexual appetites). Delvian societ...
What is the spiritual meaning of Amazonite? In this gemstone used for centuries as an amulet, carved ornament and decoration we may have found an antidote for one of the modern world’s most potent disorders – electromagnetic pollution. With all the smartphones, lap tops, computers, wifi, ...
由Blue Lotus Gallery 新成立的出版社 - Blue Lotus Editions 首度出版:Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze 全新系列《獅子山三十六景》攝影集,將會成為本畫廊創辦人 Sarah Greene 策劃的一系列「香港視覺故事」中的第一部曲。新書發布會暨同名攝影展覽將於九月在 Blue Lotus Gallery 舉行。
Powerful Bible study tools linked to every verse in an easy-to-use, personalized Bible reader! Dig deep into God’s Word with over 30 Bible versions, audio Bibl…
Her other poetry collections areDon’t Let Me Be Lonely(2008); the award-winningNothing in Nature is Private;The End of the Alphabet; andPlot, wherein she welds the cerebral and the spiritual, the sensual and the grotesque.Don’t Let Me Be Lonely—a multi-genre project that blends poetry...
Almost immediately, I focused on my own deeds and actions, instead of Christ the Savior. I was keen on emphasizing what I (and others) were supposed to do or not do, but didn’t consider what Christ did on my behalf. Author Elyse Fitzpatrick calls this “spiritual amnesia”. ...
For many years now I have enjoyed Oysters and when they are good, there is something spiritual that lights up inside me. These Oysters were perfectly brackish and decadently delicate. They were the perfect start to our meal and foreshadowed the enlightened dishes that were to follow. Every...
Bayangkan berada di pabrik cokelat Willy Wonka dan mendapati diri Anda memiliki tiket emas, tetapi tanpa Oompa Loompa dan lebih banyak hal yang bersifat spiritual. Beban emosional dari manfaat ini saja dapat terangkat, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mencurahkan lebih banyak waktu untuk introspek...