Dark Blue Dungeon 是一款灵感来源于 D&D 风格角色扮演游戏的冒险游戏 进入 Dark Blue Dungeon 的世界,这是一款无需联网的单人游戏。你可以体验免费试玩版,也可以解锁完整版内容,包括 Dark Blue Dungeon 故事的后续章节、拥有 5 场高难度战斗的竞技场,以及 Red Night Dungeon DLC。这款游戏由一位独立开发者倾力...
Spring build up, too many bees. Somebody has got to go! In the spring, when the colony broods up and has so many bees that they cannot physically co-exisit in a single hive the decision to swarm is made. First the nurse bees start nourishing a few newly hatched larvae with an exclus...
The Blue Teleporter is a portal located inside the first floor of the Blue HQ. When activated, it will instantly teleport the player behind the Red Cannon and next to the Ticket Tent. The transportation is one-way; thus, the destination teleporter cannot be used to travel back into the Blu...