One look at the Blue Heeler and you’ll know that this dog is a true working dog. Its medium-sized built is especially bred for speed and agility, nipping at the heels of cattle and other livestock that its master owns. It’s not a handsome dog, not by much anyway. It looks a lot...
In the end, the name of Australian cattle dog was recognized by anAmerican Kennel Club. This club gives the name and officially value to the blue heeler dog’s breed, but many people have shown their argument that the Australian cattle dog must have a specific title by having its blue coa...
Fun facts: A Blue Heeler also made an appearance in the movieBabe, and as a villain! And since they’re a kickass breed, there’s an Australian Cattle Dog in the filmThe Road Warriorthat played as Mad Max’s sidekick. What Does the Border Heeler Look Like? Source: @lifewithtozer / ...
See also: Texas Heeler Dog: Breed Info, Pictures, Personality & Facts 100+ Tough Dog Names: Fierce, Strong & Intimidating Ideas Featured Image Credit: impromotools, Pixabay Related Articles Further Reading
a Pit Heeler, take your time to research reputable breeders. Avoid breeders that sell Pit Heelers at low prices since it can be a sign of a puppy mill where the dogs aren’t raised properly. You can also ask a local dog rescue if they have Pitbull mixes that resemble the Pit Heeler....