Maiden of Whiteis another powerful addition to this Deck. Every time this elusive Tuner is targeted (including by your own effects!), you can SummonBlue-Eyes White Dragonor any Level 1 LIGHT Tuner from your Graveyard. And whenever you SummonBlue-Eyes White Dragon, you can SummonMaiden of Wh...
Yu-Gi-Oh Structure Deck - Seto Kaiba - 1st Edition Factory Sealed Yugioh Deck $27.88 Quantity: Home>> Yu Gi Oh Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon Yu-Gi-Oh Card Yugioh Blue Eyes White Dragon YuGiOhis a popularJapanese animeand manga franchise from Kazuki Takahashi that ...
The Blue-Eyes Structure Deck is coming soon and we got another Blue-Eyes retrain to look at tomorrow, so Throwback Thursday this week is one of earlier support cards for Blue-Eyes: Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon. Spirit Dragon is a Level 9 LIGHT Dragon Synchro with 2500 ATK and 3000 DEF. Blue...