blue eyes technology 蓝眼睛技术说明书
PC 攝影機 所謂的 "Webcams" 泛指相對廉價並且在家裡和工作室環境中產生一般影像的解決方案,對於個人電腦而言要做到擷取、操控與傳送影像皆需特別軟體,雖然用於桌上電腦的視訊會議和許多其他一般圖像應用, 但是 Webcams 大多數是不成熟,並且根本不適合於用於專業監視應用。 類比攝影機透過擷取卡連接 PC 標準的類比...
In recent years, the introduction of lasers has not only completely resolved various "chronic diseases" of projection but has also brought more possibilities to projection applications. Therefore, lasers have become the absolute core of projection technology, with manufacturers enthusiastically engaging in ...
INTRODUCTIONBlue Eye Technology aims at creating computational machine that have perceptual and sensory ability .It use camera and microphone to identify user action and emotions. Blue in terms of Bluetooth which enable wireless reliable wireless communication eyes because the eye movement enable us to ...
BlueEyes Livebox Live Streaming Box 操作手册说明书 Operation Manual 2015/10/13
The Business Marketing Knowledge Base at Knowledge Academy collects a wealth of knowledge closely related to customers or distributors. We hope that through our organization and sharing, everyone can understand more about new technologies and regulations
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The Business Marketing Knowledge Base at Knowledge Academy collects a wealth of knowledge closely related to customers or distributors. We hope that through our organization and sharing, everyone can understand more about new technologies and regulations
Before purchasing, please carefully read and agree to the following terms and precautions: The Professional Version is licensed for one year with a one-time annual payment. Renewing before expiration can enjoy discounts. Before purchasing the Professiona
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