In it, Mizu, a female mixed-race blue-eyed samurai (voiced by Maya Erskine) seeks revenge against the four men (one of whom is her father) who did her wrong. With an all-star voice cast that includes George Takei, Kenneth Branagh, Masi Oka, and many others, it’s quickly become a...
The Blue-Eyed Girl Whose Name Is Gray (蒼い瞳の少女は灰色と名乗った, Aoi Hitomi no Shōjo wa Haiiro to Nanotta) is a short novel written in the Ultraman R/B Super Complete Works (ウルトラマンR/Bルーブ 超全集, Urutoraman Rūbu Chō Zenshū) book, detailing the lives of Rosso, ...
Of the 143825 characters on Anime Characters Database, 5 are from the h-game Blue-eyed twin knight Ferir & Ririka.
角色 Quotes Blue-eyed lass641 views Random M F X 猫耳 ☰ Menu >>> ID96457 NameBlue-eyed lass Other Names Wealth RoleUnsorted FromThe Witcher Media Typevideo game Voiced By Tags Personality Menu Day 0Character of the Daynominations
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蓝眼睛的女孩听音乐-动漫人物壁纸壁纸原始分辨率: 1920x1200你的设备分辨率: 1600x1600常见分辨率: 1024x768 1152x864 1200x900 1280x960 1280x800 1280x1024 1366x768 1440x900 1680x1050 1600x1200 1920x1080 1920x1200 - 相关壁纸专辑 - 创意设计鼓舞人心的综合艺术壁纸 幻想艺术创意设计高清桌面壁纸 20...
General Blue (ブルー将軍, Burū Shōgun) is a powerful high-ranking officer in the Red Ribbon Army and is the leader of the Blue Corps. He also has powerful psychic abilities. Blue is the only Red Ribbon officer with a confirmed age; he was aged 28 when
Mitsuyoshi (ミツヨシ), also known as One-Eyed Twin Lotus (双蓮の隻眼, Sōren no Sekigan) and more famously as Jūbei (獣兵衛), is one of the Six Heroes. He is Konoe’s husband and Kokonoe’s father. He is also the progenitor of the Kaka race. He appears
(Brown Eyed Girls) - While you're sleeping(___ __ __) MV_(1080p) 05:30 157_JAURIM(___) - ___, ___' MV_(1080p) 05:07 156_IVY(___) - I Dance (feat.__ of ___) MV_(1080p) 03:36 155_IU(___) - YOU&I(___) MV_(1080p) 08:55 154_IU(___) - The red ...
Secret of the Russian Blue(ロシアンブルーの秘密Roshian Burū no Himitsu?)is the 445th episode ofDetective Conananime. Characters introduced Cast Characters Conan Edogawa Kogoro Mouri Ran Mouri Eri Kisaki Sonoko Suzuki Yoko Okino (background) ...