10/28/2024 by Scott Feinberg The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News Hello, Gorgeous: Best Actress of 2013 A series by Juan Carlos OjanoDeception, isolation, and desperation are just some of the common threads that connect the characters of this year's Best Actress nominees and the narratives in...
最佳摄影灯光奖 / Best Filming Lighting Award ( 촬영조명상 ) 破墓파묘 获奖 老手2 베테랑2 逃脱탈주 首尔之春 서울의 봄 左轮手枪 리볼버 最佳美术 / Best Art Direction ( 미술상 ) 破墓파묘 获奖 梦境원더랜드 逃脱탈주 首尔之春 ...
Crusader Kings III, Paradox Interactive’s strategy role-playing game about medieval dynasties, expands with a new flavor pack highlighting one of the game’s most popular regions. Northern Lords adds greater depth and variety to the Norse cultures of medieval Europe through a series of new events...
Between the global box office success of "The Final Destination 3-D" and the film festival kudos forJoe Dante's "The Hole," the new wave of 3-D cinema has been validated in a way that elevates the format above being a mere trend. And everyday we're hearing about more film projects...
不汗党 불한당: 나쁜 놈들의 세상 获奖 王者더 킹 军舰岛 군함도 南汉山城 남한산성 恶女악녀 最佳灯光 / Best Lighting ( 조명상 ) 不汗党 불한당: 나쁜 놈들의 세상 获奖 王者더 킹 军舰岛 군함도 南汉山城 남한...
2024年度榜单 2023年度报告 第37届韩国电影青龙奖 (2016)的获奖名单 最佳影片 / Best Film ( 최우수작품상 ) 局内人 내부자들 禹民镐 获奖 哭声곡성 罗泓轸 东柱동주 李濬益 小姐아가씨 朴赞郁 釜山行 부산행 延尚昊 密探밀정 金知云 最佳导演 / Best Directo...
闵奎东 Kyu-Dong Min 她的故事 最佳男主角 / Best Actor ( 남우주연상 ) 金允石 Yoon-suk Kim 获奖 河正宇 Jung-woo Ha 与神同行:罪与罚 李星民 Sung-min Lee 特工 刘亚仁 Ah-in Yoo 燃烧 朱智勋 Jihoon Ju 暗数杀人 最佳女主角 / Best Actress ( 여우주연상 ) ...
李翰Han Lee 甜蜜蜜:7510 最佳男主角 / Best Actor ( 남우주연상 ) 李炳宪 Byung-hun Lee 混凝土乌托邦 获奖 都敬秀 Kyung-soo Doh 月球 宋康昊 Kang-ho Song 蜘蛛网 柳俊烈 Jun-yeol Ryu 夜枭 柳海真 Hae-jin Yu 甜蜜蜜:7510 最佳女主角 / Best Actress ( 여우주연상 ) ...
金汉珉 Han-min Kim 闲山:龙的出现 边圣铉 Sung-hyun Byun 王者制造 韩在林 Jae-rim Han 非常宣言 是枝裕和 Hirokazu Kore-eda 掮客 最佳男主角 / Best Actor ( 남우주연상 ) 朴海日 Hae-il Park 分手的决心 获奖 薛景求 Kyung-gu Sul ...
禹民镐 Min-ho Woo 南山的部长们 延尚昊 Sang-ho Yeon 釜山行2:半岛 洪元灿 Won-Chan Hong 从邪恶中拯救我 杨宇硕 Woo-seok Yang 铁雨2:首脑峰会 最佳男主角 / Best Actor ( 남우주연상 ) 刘亚仁 Ah-in Yoo 无声 获奖 李炳宪 Byung-hun Lee ...