Bilt 信用卡是一个推出没多久的非常给力的卡。Bilt 点数可以1:1转点给Hyatt、UA、AA等众多合作伙伴,因为其合作伙伴质量很高所以其点数价值比较高。从2022年9月开始Bilt搞了个 “Bilt Rent Day”:每月1日,除了固定活动双倍返点(房租除外)up to 10k点之外,还会搞一些小活动让大家参与然后赚一点点数。本文收录一下...
Name a thing that is socially acceptable for a kid to do, but not an adult:Picking Nose, Crying in Public, Screaming, Soil Themselves, Naked in Public, Talk to Strangers Name the worst place to get proposed to:A Funeral, Sports Game, Fast Food Restaurant, Disneyland, A Wedding, A Bath...