or medical policies. This list applies only to members who have health insurance through a BCBSTX Plan or who are covered by a group plan administered by BCBSTX. If your patient is covered under a different Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plan, please refer to theMedical Policies of that Plan....
The term "blue rose" in English signified "the impossible (a non-existent object)" because nobody could produce blue roses by hybridization breeding no matter how much they were desired. However, "the impossible" has become possible due to cutting-edge biotechnologies and the continuous efforts ...
The BCBS Settlement is not a scam. This settlement, arising from a class action antitrust lawsuit called In re: Blue Cross Blue Shield Antitrust Litigation MDL 2406, N.D. Ala. Master File No. 2:13-cv-20000-RDP (the “Settlement”), was reached on behalf of individuals and companies ...
all the way down to earth, to rise. Kai Cogginis a poet and author living on the side of a small mountain in Hot Springs, AR. She holds a degree in Poetry and Creative Writing from Texas A&M University. Her work has been published or is forthcoming inSplit This Rock,Yellow Chair Re...
Overall, 180 yeasts and bacteria isolated from the peel of citrus fruits were screened for their in vitro antagonistic activity against Penicillium digitatum and P. italicum, causative agents of green and blue mold of citrus fruits, respectively. Two yea