Blue colour of alkali and alkaline earth metals in liquidNH3is due to View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP ...
The colour is due to the refraction of light off the rock flour deposited in the lake on a continual basis.] 每年六、七月, 湖中注滿山上溶雪的雪水。In June or July, the lake is usually filled with water from the melted snow. 湖的藍色據說是岩粉在湖底折射而成的。The blue/green color...
The Color Blue:As with other blue-hued birds, the Blue Jay's coloration is not derived from pigments, but is the result of light refraction due to the internal structure of the feathers; if a blue jay feather is crushed, the blue-ness disappears as the structure is destroyed. This is r...
Which phenomenon is responsible for making the path of light visible ? Work out the ranges of temperature corresponding to which a star will appear blue and red respectively. Given Wavelength range of blue colour:4500Åto5000Å Wavelength range for red colour:6500Åto7000Å ...
Specific volume was obtained by measuring the volume of a known amount of sample in a test tube. To minimize the air trapped, samples were gently hit until there was no decrease in the total volume. Colour of samples was measured with a spectrocolorimeter (MINOLTA model CM-1000R, Tokyo,...
In the case of Ao-ike Pond, due to a low concentration of suspended solids within highly transparent water body, it was concluded that the pond water gives the coloration by density fluctuation of water as well as that by Mie scattering of suspended solids. This blue coloration can be consid...