Honesty:Blue is the colour of truth. Authority:The darker the color blue, the more authority it has. Religion:Blue is the colour of devotion and religious study. Wisdom:Blue enhances the wisdom of the intellect. Effects of Blue Conservative:The color blue is a safe colour - the most univer...
For some reason Louis Aragon's poem Elsa's Eyes also comes to my mind, with its blue eyes and ocean and the blue colour that is associated with Virgin Mary. Personally this song reminds me of a girl I once knew who shot herself. She was trying to cope with her problems with drugs ...
The colour blue, electric blue, always reminds me of two spiritual beings, the Virgin Mary and Saint Michael, because a friend told me she saw them in church on separate occasions and that was their colour. The moment my mother died, a blue ball came out of her chest and passed by my...
**A Ring That Speaks Volumes** The kyanite meaning spiritual is deeply rooted in the metaphysical realm, symbolizing tranquility and communication. This ring is not just a piece of jewelry; it's a statement of personal style and a connection to the spiritual world. The turquoise engagement ...
I want to finish this post sharing some of the attributes of Blue color: Infinite, communication, depht, calm, espiritual world, for the budists it´s the color of void, the color of spiritual awakening, tenderness, security, potentiates intelectual activities, lightweight feeling, stimulates ...
由Blue Lotus Gallery 新成立的出版社 - Blue Lotus Editions 首度出版:Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze 全新系列《獅子山三十六景》攝影集,將會成為本畫廊創辦人 Sarah Greene 策劃的一系列「香港視覺故事」中的第一部曲。新書發布會暨同名攝影展覽將於九月在 Blue Lotus Gallery 舉行。
Sunlight is made up of different colours, but because of the elements in the atmosphere, the colour blue is scattered more efficiently than other colours making
The apophyllite crystal meaning and light blue crystal meaning are also inherent in this sphere, adding to its spiritual significance. With its customization options, you can choose a crystal that resonates with your personal energy and intentions....
“I use my music for a few things, I try to write about finding hope in hard dark situations. I write about my spiritual thoughts and beliefs, and that all religions or spiritual ways lead to the path of God. And lastly I put humour in my songs to let people ...
Becker said that he liked "swatches of colour, images that don't necessarily make much sense," and was less concerned with tying everything together; Fagen, on the other hand, would argue endlessly to exclude or replace something from the first draft if he thought it shouldn't be there. ...