22.(Animals) bluish in colour or having parts or marks that are bluish:a blue fox;a blue whale. 23.rarearistocratic; noble; patrician:a blue family. Seeblue blood 24.USrelating to, supporting, or representing the Democratic Party. Comparered118 ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook blue-arsed fly n 1.(Animals)informala blowfly; bluebottle 2.like a blue-arsed flyinformalin a state of frenzied activity Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, ...
We found significant autosomal heritability for the chromatic part of the structurally based colouration in both sexes, whereas carotenoid chroma was heritable only in males, and the achromatic part of both colour patches was mostly non heritable. Power limitations, which are probably common among ...
22. (Animals) bluish in colour or having parts or marks that are bluish: a blue fox; a blue whale. 23. rare aristocratic; noble; patrician: a blue family. See blue blood 24. US relating to, supporting, or representing the Democratic Party. Compare red118 vb, blues, blueing, bluing ...
22.(Animals) bluish in colour or having parts or marks that are bluish:a blue fox;a blue whale. 23.rarearistocratic; noble; patrician:a blue family. Seeblue blood 24.USrelating to, supporting, or representing the Democratic Party. Comparered118 ...
DNA was collected either through blood sampling of cuckoo nestlings or sampling embryonic tissue from ejected/unhatched eggs laid in the nests of different host species. We also collected DNA samples from eggs in museum collections by slightly increasing the size of the 'blow hole' using a ...
CNSConcussion, closed and open brain injury, petechial hemorrhage, edema, stroke, small blood vessel rupture, spinal cord injury, air embolism-induced injury, hypoxia or anoxia, diffuse axonal injury RenalRenal contusion, laceration, acute renal failure due to rhabdomyolysis, hypotension, and hypovolemi...
M. InoueN. TodaElsevier B.V.European Journal of PharmacologyOKAMURA, T. , INOUE, M. & TODA, N. ( 1990 ). Methylene blue sensitive and insensitive responses to sodium nitroprusside of blood vessels isolated from animals of different species . Eur. J. Pharmacol ., 183 , 1267 – 1268 ....
2% in blue sheep examined, suggesting that there was considerable genetic variability on the loci of biochemical genetics in blood of blue sheep.───的多态性基因座比例为46.2%,表明岩羊的血液生化遗传基因座有颇大的遗传变异性。 Lake Week, in which the dense forests, tigers, leopards, roe deer,...
blood. How a Crab Sheds its shell or "Moults": A crab’s growth isn’t continuous, but results from a series of moults that happen when it reaches the size of its current shell. Moulting is triggered by hormones. A new ‘cuticle’ (hard protective layer) is secreted under the old sh...