Video glitch video settings viewfinder viewport viewport capture virtual production visual vive tracker voice voice chat volar volumetric voronoi vr vrm vroid vtlW wait gameplay tag Walk wall running wasd water water current water plugin water system water velocity wave weapon whileloop wich character Wi...
Haze removing sleep/freeze will not prevent a multi-turn move from getting stuck (also fixes the sleep-trap glitch) Fixed by allowing sleeping/frozen pkmn to use a move after haze restores them on the plus size, haze now restores both opponent and user's status conditions as was intended...
Yellow's color scheme gets converted to display on the Gameboy Color. Attack animations are colored according to type during Gameboy Color play. Yellow's audio engine is backported for stereo sound support. New options that can be toggled! Hit SELECT on the options screen to cycle through the ...
Haze removing sleep/freeze will not prevent a multi-turn move from getting stuck (also fixes the sleep-trap glitch) Fixed by allowing sleeping/frozen pkmn to use a move after haze restores them on the plus size, haze now restores both opponent and user's status conditions as was intended...
Fixed amazing man glitch in the route 16 gate Fixed tower ghost pic not loading after exiting status screen Fixed bumping into invisible shrub Fixed holding left to force past the cycling road guards Fixed being able to leave the safari zone without clearing the event ...
Haze removing sleep/freeze will not prevent a multi-turn move from getting stuck (also fixes the sleep-trap glitch) Fixed by allowing sleeping/frozen pkmn to use a move after haze restores them on the plus size, haze now restores both opponent and user's status conditions as was intended...