Barriers to advancement for women holding blue-collar jobs are discussed, with special emphasis on women in the basic steel industry. These barriers include the existence of seniority policies, perceptions of opportunities, availability of relevant experience, and the assignment of women to lower-level...
Depending on your position and availability, you may be asked to work events at the ballpark in addition to baseball games as well. "All of these positions, ideally, you would work both BlueClaws baseball as well as all of the non-baseball events," Reilly said. ...
Highly educated blacks benefit from these trends in job availability; ... T Bates - 《Review of Black Political Economy》 被引量: 10发表: 1984年 Job Quality: Scenarios, Analysis and Interventions This deskilling applied as much to the emerging white-collar work as to blue-collar work, and ...
Criticism of the poor – a belief that there are “plenty of jobs available for poor people,” that government programs breed dependency and that most poor people would “prefer to stay on welfare” – is especially common among the blue-collar, white Americans who have given the strongest su...
As seen above, this scenario is when investors are anticipating the economy to expand at normal growth rates without significant inflation or capital availability issues. This defines a period of economic and stock market expansion and good news for investors and economists. The yield curve slopesgen...
The Impact on Gender Wage and Employment Differentials of Offshoring of White-collar Jobs in the United States Since the mid-1990s, offshore production has become increasingly important in white-collar, service sector activities in the U.S. economy. This development... E Kongar,M Price - 《...
Availability and usage Combining multiple calling approaches improves both sensitivity and specificity of the final set of variants. The downside is the need to run and coordinate calls from all of the different callers. To mitigate this, we developed an automated pipeline that ties together multiple...
Furthermore, practices of the seemingly dominant majority—for instance, conspicuous consumption, dedicated leisure recreation, physical autonomy and assured safety—can be so outside the realm of habit, identity and availability for some, that they are experienced as signals of being non-welcome and...