我们也可以说 a blue-collar job 或者 a white-collar job。 Callum Let's hear some examples of how these expressions are used. Examples When the company went bankrupt many white-collar workers found themselves looking for blue-collar jobs. Some popular folk songs reflect the aspirations and strugg...
我们也可以说 a blue-collar job 或者 a white-collar job。 Callum Let's hear some examples of how these expressions are used. Examples When the company went bankrupt many white-collar workers found themselves looking for blue-collar jobs. Some popular folk songs reflect the aspirations and strugg...
White-collar jobs typically involve office or administrative work and often require a higher education level, focusing on mental tasks. Blue-collar jobs are generally manual labor roles in industries like manufacturing, construction, and maintenance.
我们也可以说 a blue-collar job 或者 a white-collar job。 Callum Let's hear some examples of how these expressions are used. Examples When the company went bankrupt many white-collar workers found themselves looking for blue-collar jobs. Some popular folk songs reflect the aspirations and strugg...
White-Collar Man in a Blue-Collar World/蓝领世界中的白领 大学英语双语阅读对照读物《蓝领世界中的白领》当今激烈的社会竞争要求每个人都是多面手,即使那些曾被艳羡的白领阶层也不得不具有一些体力劳动所需要的特长了。BobMuldoon史淳新东方英语
A white collar (worker)即“白领”(工人)。 A blue collar (worker)即“蓝领”(工人)。 例句:He is a white collar/a blue collar. 然而,我们学习和掌握英语,又绝对不是仅仅为了用中文知道某个英语单词的中文意思就算完事。 真正掌握英语还包括我们能用英语知道某个英语单词的英语意识是什么。
我们也可以说 a blue-collar job 或者 a white-collar job。 Callum Let's hear some examples of how these expressions are used. Examples When the company went bankrupt many white-collar workers found themselves looking for blue-collar ...
known as the "white collar holidays") and the 11 statutory holidays (that is, the "blue-collar holidays"), and if not, why not? legco.gov.hk 劉千石議員問:副主席先生,教育統籌司可否告知本局,這次檢討是否會將現有公眾 假期(即俗稱「白領假期」)17 ㆝與勞工假期(即「藍領假期」)11 ㆝的差...
blue and white 青花 blue collar a. 蓝领阶级的 white collar a. 白领阶层的 blue white n. 蓝白色 collar n. 1. 衣领 2. 戴在动物(尤指狗)颈部的项圈 3.(连接两条管、杆或轴的)圈,箍(尤指机器中的) 4. 奶瓶圈 blue a. 1. 蓝色的;天蓝色的,蔚蓝的 2.(皮肤等)青灰色的,青紫色的 ...
Blue collar is one of a number of job types that are now classified based on the color of clothing they typically wear. Others includewhite collar, gold collar, pink collar, red collar, and green collar. Many of those in blue-collar or skilled trade occupations perform physical labor. Coal...