For the last 18 months, I guess I have bitten more than I could chew. I have traveled thousands of miles (x n), and taken thousands of pictures (x n). My pictures were everywhere storing in different external hard drives, so before doing any editing, I need to centralize everything ...
Finally, I dipped a slice of this mega steak into the bordelaise sauce, and transported to my mouth, and it was love at first chew. My apparent fullness from the previous courses melted away as this delightful meat treat melted in my mouth. (TWSS) This little piggy went to my belly!
Here’s a little secret for you: aim to run at 80% of your maximum heart rate, keep it up for a good 30 to 45 minutes, and you’re well on your way to that much-coveted runner’s high. A top tip for you: find a balance in your intensity. It should be hard enough that you...
Agave‘Blue Glow’ is a Kelly Griffin hybrid betweenAgave attenuataandAgave ocahui. While I can seeAgave ocahuiin this cross, for the life of me I cannot see theAgave attenuata.Either the parent ofAgave attenuatawas arbitrarily chosen to ward off others trying to make their ownAgave‘Blue ...
It wants something to chew. Indians make dolls. So here's a case containing more than 200 dolls. One is a Hopi kachina from the 1960s. Such dolls have long been used to give children of the tribe a sense of unseen spirits. Beside this doll is another, a blonde in a bikini, that ...
you were there when I was lucky enough to get money for a Charleston Chew, but alas, you ain't dere no more. The last K&B closed in 1997, but the stores were bought by Rite Aid. There are still plenty of Rite Aid's in Lafayette and Acadiana. But what I wouldn't give to take...
No, sir, just pretending to chew. 我想在镜头前看起来很强硬。 I wanna look tough for the cameras. 你要小心这些媒体人,古迪。 Now you be careful with these media people, Goody. 它们在扑上来之前都是微笑的。 Theyre all smiles until they pounce. 我永远不会忘记参加“古董路演”。 I shall ...
No opportunity for advancement. No life-work balance. They will chew you up and spit you out, expect no respect from management. The only good thing about working here is to add something to your resume, but even then every company knows how horrible the work ethic is there and will not...
Even though he was no where near old enough to utilize the toys, I pulled them out and he used them as rattles and items to chew and drool upon. I still dream of the day he will pick the recipe and I will help him in his determination to make our family a meal. I’m far ...
On a blcjycle built for two! We9 re coming! We1 re comingt Our brave little bandfOn the right side of temperance we now take our stand cWe don*t chew tobacco - because we do thinkThat people who do so are likely to drink*We never eat fruitcake; it*s chuck full of ru%And ...