Various songs scrapped from the Aja/Gaucho period include 'I'll Sleep In Your Car', 'Put This Thing Together' and 'Gyrine'. These were taken from a notebook owned by Walter Becker which was put up for auction. It's unclear whether these are actual song titles or lyrics. Date: Wed,...
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They then began exporting their exceptional values by overthrowing legitimate governments and setting up puppet regimes in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, and the Far East. At home they began deforesting anddenuding the land, decimating its animal species, and dousing the air and water ...
However, Scouts USA upholds a belief in God as a core value of the program. Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, made it clear that Scouting is built on religious principles. He believed that Scouting should help boys realize their duty to God by ...
The sad irony of Bowerman eventually being unable to benefit from the shoes he designed was not lost in Kenny Moore’s book “Bowerman and the Men of Oregon.” In the late 1970s, surely guided by his diminishing health, Bowerman began to cut back his active involvement with Nike, but ...
These changes caused an increase in the total colour difference (ΔE*) when comparing the films with BW to that prepared without BW, used as control film. Table 3. Optical properties (L*, a*, b*, ΔE* colour parameters and gloss values) of cassava starch (CS) films prepared with ...
Computer scientist and author Brian Christian talks to MSM about one of the fundamental problems of AI development in his book The Alignment Problem: how do we ensure machine learning systems represent the best human values rather than magnify the worst?
firstly I want the album experience to be as it used to be when you open up the package and there is a 12-inch size cover to look at and you have to book time with yourself to take out the disc and play it. Digital releases have no tangible ‘value’ once bought and feel like ...
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Considering the effect of the solvents used, both affected series lowered the EWBI and LWBI values of one_wash compared to raw, with the exception of the sapwood LWBI, where the BI values were equal to or higher than raw (Fig. S4 in the Supplementary Material). Considering the heartwood...