Blue Bloods《警察世家(2010)》第十一季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,你知道我都是指着你来告诉我这种重要信息的吧 You do realize I rely on you for critical information like this? 这是个很大的压力 Frank 一年比一年大 And its a lot of pressure, Frank, year af
LasttimeIsawJ-Bird,shewaslyingonthefloorintheshower,allright? 那么多血都顺着下水道流走了 Allthisbloodsgoinginthedrain. 然后他们突然就说是我hearts;干hearts;的 NextthingIknow,theysayIdidit. 我不信他们也不信你们 Idonttrustthem.Idonttrustyou. 好吧好吧Kenzie要么这样 Okay.Okay,Kenzie,youknowwhat?
It would work on a show like Blue Bloods, I guess, if they introduced a trans character who was getting married, but here it just seems superfluous. We know what this show is about and what it means for these characters to get certain "wins" in life that this community doesn't ...