blue blood idiom meaning, origin, examples in a sentence, dark meanings, definition, synonyms, interesting facts, backstory, and the history of the phrase.
The phrase "blue blood" functions as an adjective, which means that it is used as a description. It has been used as an idiom since the 19th century in works, such as within the W.S. Gilbert's and Arthur Sullivan's Iolanthe.
Example Sentences “It’s been crazy. You think about, yes, I’m a Laker, but I’m a true blue Dodger, too. Hopefully, one day they will win it again, but right now the city is owned, today, by the Dodgers.” FromLos Angeles Times ...
The concept behind the origination of this idiom is second but rare appearance of the full moon in same month. Blue moon is the full moon that appears second time in same calendar month and this phenomenon happens only once in 32 months. Apart from that, sometime the full moon appears to...
What does the idiom "out of the blue" mean? Is 'blue' an adjective? What does the idiom "blue blood" mean? Is 'blue' a noun? What does the idiom "feeling blue" mean? What does the term blue moon mean? What is the homophone for blue? What does the idiom "blue in the face" ...
Blue blood is a translation originally, from the Spanish sangre azul, meaning literally blue blood. explains this perfectly: The origin of this phrase is Spanish from The Middle Ages when Spain was embroiled with its wars against the invading Moors. The Moors occupied parts of ...
For example, if someone says, "He'd protect his family once in a blue moon," they're saying he rarely takes on that role. Or if someone only plays a game now and then, you could say they play it once in a blue moon. Origins of the Phrase ...
“inflation” in economic terms, péngzhàng also carries a unique connotation in social contexts, akin to ‘arrogance’ or “swelling up with pride.” This dual meaning makes péngzhàng a fascinating example of untranslatable words in Mandarin, reflecting the language’s ability to convey complex...
Has someone made you so furious that you could just feel your blood start to boil? For example, your friend breaks a promise to you, or someone you thought was a decent person turns out to be an actual scumbag. Or another example would be if someone were to eat the leftover food you...
What is an idiom? What does an idiom mean in figurative language? Learn idiom examples, the idiom definition, and the idiom meaning. Related to this Question What does the idiom "blue blood" mean? What does the idiom "blue in the face" mean?