A suburban fantasia of white picket fences, blood-red roses, waving fireman, happy children and a man watering his lawn gives way to the disturbing moment when the watering man collapses and the camera pans down to dirt level where a number of horrific insects are scrabbling in the dirt at...
The second spinoff ofStargate Sg-1,Stargate Universeis set on an Ancient starship called the Destiny. A handful of soldiers, scientists and private citizens became stranded on the ship which is on autopilot and travelling through space on the other side of the universe, several billion light ye...
So feast and make merry and remember the sacrifice that goes into our lives. We may not be sacrificing the traditional way, but blood, sweat and tears still go into everything we have and do, and this is the time of year to celebrate that, embrace that and accept that sacrifice is nec...
the Rolling Stones frontman decided to make it a night to remember. To do so, he invited a handful of rock’s biggest names to appear with him throughout the show. Arcade Fire and Nikolai Fraiture of the Strokes joined him for a performance of the early Stones single “The...
It ran for seven seasons and one hundred seventy-two episodes. Four episodes, “Caretaker”, “Dark Frontier”, “Flesh and Blood” and “Endgame” originally aired as ninety-minute episodes. Of all the Trek series, and not at all surprisingly,Voyagergets the highest Bechdel test rating. ...
Erin Miller,reviewof Scott Malcomson'sOne Drop of Blood: The American Misadventure of Race Col. John Gibbon knew the Nez Perce way of life was destined to be washed away in a tidal wave of white civilization. He understood that he would have to ride the crest of the wave. ...
(pauses) We had a number of English actors but most of them didn't make the grade. DWAS: Can you give us some names? Of actors that were considered? Subotsky: Oliver Reed. Malcolm McDowell. Cliff Richards, Ian Mcshane. A number of Americans. I remember David Hasselhof...
However, they had no place to go because the Tea Party Movement was demanding red meat and blood oaths from anyone coming to the conservative side. One thing is clear: the Right’s main mission during the next two years will be getting a GOP president in 2012. President Obama can do ...
BadBlood- Fills a test (non-production) Windows Domain with data that enables security analysts and engineers to practice using tools to gain an understanding and prescribe to securing Active Directory. Caldera- Scalable, automated, and extensible adversary emulation platform developed by MITRE. ...
And speaking of gay horror films, check outCamp Blooda site that aims to be the premiere source for queer horror cinema. (2 Comments|Comment on this) Friday, September 2nd, 2005 10:24 am [j_crew_guy] An action hero angle According to the director ofTransporter 2, Frank Martin (Jason ...