应该叫Blue Banded Bee,澳洲的本土蜜蜂。分布特别广,澳洲全境均有分布。我竟然从没注意到过。最特别的地方是,Blue Banded Bee是独居动物,不群居。它们会在粘土中挖洞筑巢。据说,学者们对它们的授粉行为“buzz pollinating”感兴趣,正在开展研究。 我们发现的这些Blue Banded Bees不知在做什么,几只在一起,比较近但...
blue-banded bee Ever since the abelia started flowering, I’ve been on the lookout for the return of the Blue-banded Bees. They didn’t emerge from their burrows (or wherever they hibernate or hatch) until Christmas Eve.And, like nearly every other year, I spotted a loner in the ...
(2016) Shakers and head bangers: differences in sonication behavior between Australian Amegilla murrayensis (blue-banded bees) and North American Bombus impatiens (bumblebees). Arthropod-Plant Interactions,10, 1-8.Switzer, C.M., Hogendoorn, K., Ravi, S., Combes, S.A. (2016) Shakers and ...
44、s其他掠食者会在接下来的几个礼拜 抢食这些卵及成长中的幼鱼Other fish are less casual about their eggs其他的鱼种就会 比较在意自己的卵了Banded pipe fish stay close to a small chosen area on the reef条纹杨纒鱼留在珊瑚礁 上预选的小范围里Every morning at sunrise the female leaves her sleepin...
Banded pipe fish stay close to a small chosen area on the reef 条纹杨纒鱼留在珊瑚礁 上预选的小范围里 Every morning at sunrise the female leaves her sleeping site 每天日出时母鱼离开眠床 and swims to find her partner 出游寻找它们伴侣 For ten minutes or so they remain together, 它们会相处...