2:04 The Dress That Broke the Internet: ExplainedWhite and gold? Blue and black? Debate launched an internet firestorm, but there's a scientific reason people saw different colors. -- It's the dress that broke the Internet. An overexposed image of a $77 dress has spawned mil...
Kim Kardashian may have broken the Internet, but #TheDress has ended humanity. BuzzFeed attempted to crowdsource opinion but it turned out their readers were probably wrong. 2. Thankfully Kanye West (via Kim Kardashian's Twitter) has sought to end the debate. Can we can all stop talking abo...
The fabric of a dress nearly caused the fabric of the Internet to unravel Thursday night, with people engaged in spirited debate over the color of the $80 item, reports CBS News correspondent Elaine Quijano. What colors do you see when you look at it? Black and blue or white and gold?
Thepicture of a striped dresswas posted online, and people couldn’t agree on its color. Some said it was blue-black, others saw it as gold and white, and a few even saw it as brown and blue. The debate was so intense that people even thought they were colorblind. In the end, the...
Half the people onsocial mediasee this dress as blue and black and the other half see it as yellow and gold. Why the disparity across people? How can we be perceiving such different colors in the same object? This debate is reminiscent of themes from the movie The Matrix, in ...
So, when a black-tie event is held in the evening, you can bring out your tailored blue tux and turn some heads in the process. Just be sure to respect the dress code and as long as the event is formal enough, then there’s no reason you can’t (and shouldn’t) consider wearing...
In it, a Black woman in a blue dress sits with her arm draped over a chair. Christopher Parker, Smithsonian Magazine, 29 Aug. 2023 The 14-week-old Alaskan husky is white as a cloud with eyes as blue as a glacier and a heart warm enough to melt one. The Arizona Republic, 30 June...
Read on and learn once are for all: Are the Smurfs Communist?Communist Smurfs Are the Smurfs Communists? Are the Smurfs really Communists? The Smurfs all dress the same, follow a man with a beard (like Karl Marx), share the benefits of their labor - and they've even eschewed money!
During today’s House committee debate on school voucher legislation, a representative from a public education advocacy group,Reaching Higher NH, reported Rep. Joe Pitre (R-Farmington) claimed the proposal could be funded with money the state currently spends on “black children and latinos.” ...
Secondly, you will be eating outside, yes outside, suck it up and dress accordingly. Finally you will be served 12 pieces of taste bud tantalizing; life changing Sushi that will make you rethink every piece of Sushi that you have ever put in your food hole. Heed their warning! I would...