In the flag editor, the JSON import utility now allows you to easily import from a file Added the ability to easily disable the configuration of any Fast Flags (intended for troubleshooting purposes) Added the ability touse unsupported Roblox app languages Added the ability to easily open Roblox...
v2.8.0 What problem did you encounter? I've noticed that I sometimes receive blurry textures in games even though I have already set the texture quality to the highest possible in Bloxstrap. I don't often see it happen all the textures, it mostly just happens on things like the emote w...
<ui:Button Icon="ArrowExportRtl24" Content="{x:Static resources:Strings.Menu_FastFlagEditor_ExportJson}" Margin="12,0,0,0" Click="ExportJSONButton_Click" /> </StackPanel> <ToggleButton x:Name="TogglePresetsButton" Content="{x:Static resources:Strings.Menu_FastFlagEditor_ShowPresetFlags}" ...