Blox Fruits Wiki 1,038 pages Explore Community Locations Game Mechanics in: NPCs, Miscellaneous NPCs, Third Sea, Castle on the Sea Butler 29 View source Butler Details Type Miscellaneous NPCs Sea Third Sea Location Castle on the Sea Butler is an NPC. Like the Customer of the Second ...
Roblox海賊王Blox fruits重力果實是一種獨特且富有挑戰性的天然Blox果實,在Blox果實經銷商處的售價為2,500,000金錢或2,300 Robux。這種果實以其高傷害輸出、眩暈效果和組合潛力而聞名,但由於操作難度較高,在PvP中往往需要經驗豐富的玩家才能充分發揮其優勢。 重力果實的技能設計雖然強大,但並非完美。在交易市場中,它...
Blox fruits holy fuck increase the drop chances i dont wanna spend hours grinding for 5 mini tusk Kacper6669·2/25/2025 Fr S2e0a2·2d Mini tusk drop chance is like 1% AplentyMike·1/12/2025 What npcs do i grind scrap metal at? In any sea i need the highest chance drop of it...
Blox Fruits wiki What are the best fruits in Blox Fruits? There are a few Blox Fruits fruits that are well above all the others, so the following are the ones you should grab above all else; venom, dragon, quake, dark, soul, dough, shadow, rumble, and light. But for a comprehensive...
方法1: 获得龙息 1.确保你有1,500个碎片。你需要1500个碎片才能获得战斗风格。2.确保你的等级超过700。3.在玫瑰王国中找到Sabi。如果你从咖啡厅看过去,这个非玩家角色(NPC)穿着亮橙色的背心,位于左墙上倒数第二个拱门处。与Sabi交谈,他会提出以1500碎片教你龙息。方法2: 使用龙息 1.龙之疾冲/Z.。100级...
并在游戏中花费3,000,000美元)。当你准备好解锁“超人类”时,请与第二海雪山顶端的武术大师NPC或第三海海洋中的Caster的武术大师NPC交谈。本文内容根据网络资源总结和梳理而来,如需了解更多详情,请访问原文链接。原文链接为 ...
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