Ice Admiral: Level 700 The Second Sea Bosses Diamond: Level 750 Jeremy: Level 850 Fajita: Level 925 Don Swan: Level 1000 Smoke Admiral: Level 1150 Awakened Ice Admiral: Level 1400 Tide Keeper: Level 1475 The Third Sea Bosses Stone: Level 1550 Island Empress: Level 1675 Kilo Admiral: Level...
Smoke Admiral: Level 1150 Awakened Ice Admiral: Level 1400 Tide Keeper: Level 1475 Third Sea Bosses Stone: Level 1550 Island Empress: Level 1675 Kilo Admiral: Level 1750 Captain Elephant: Level 1875 Beautiful Pirate: Level 1950 Longma: Level 2000 Cake Queen: Level 2175 In addition to these, ...
However, glitching into his room doesn't have much use, as the player cannot hit Longma unless the player has access to his room (similar toIce AdmiralandDon Swan). Players can useLove's [V] move orGhost's [V] move to kill him without unlocking the door, but he will only drop mo...
From here, head to theFrozen Village. Once there, go to thecave where you can learn new abilitiesand head to thewooden doorwithin it. Head through the wooden door into the secret boss room of theIce Admiral. Defeat him before returning to the Military Detective. ...
Ice Admiral Awakened Ice Admiral Marine Fortress Level requirements: 120-150 How to find: Go in the north direction from the Frozen Village docks Quests: Quest 1 - Defeat 8 Chief Petty Officers ($6,000 & 225k XP) Quest 2 - Defeat 1 Vice Admiral ($15,000 & 415k XP) ...
Second Sea Blox Fruit Quests Ice Castle Next, we have the Second Sea.There are not as many quests here compared to the First Sea, but they are increasingly more difficult to complete. read more Related Roblox: How To Get Tushita In Blox Fruits ...
Ice Castle Level Requirements: 1350-1425 NPC: Phoeyu the Reformed Bosses: Awakened Ice Admiral Quests: Defeat 8 Artic Warriors ($12250 and 41m XP), Defeat 8 Snow Lurkers ($12.5k and 43m XP), Defeat Awakened Ice Admiral ($20k and 45m XP) Forgotten Island Level Requirements: 1425-1500 ...
If an Elemental Fruit user is giving you trouble in Roblox Blox Fruits, Aura is the answer. This ability does more than just expand your combat options, however. It also allows you to customize your look with a variety of swappable pigments. To do so, however, you’ll first need to ...