What are 2x XP codes for Blox Fruit? Codes like “SUB2CAPTAINMAUI” and “Sub2Fer999” are some of the best 2x XP codes that offer the perfect boost in the game. You can use them before going on your adventure in Blox Fruits to gain more EXP. Is GAMER_ROBOT_1M expired? Yes, the...
good codes for leveling up I’m now level1,742 Reply Xpcraft132 Noise Reply ILOVEBLOXFRUIT I love Blox Fruits , I cant believe Rip_Indra , Uzoth and Zioles made this magnificent game that is so fun. First sea pretty much boring but it has Greybeard! Thats pretty fire. For...
Learn how to redeem Roblox Blox Fruits codes for free EXP boosts and other useful bonuses, and then use our list of codes for quick and easy EXP.
Leveling tip #1- USE THE BLOX FRUITS CODES As with many places, Blox Fruit is no exception - the developers have provided players withBlox Fruit codesthat give useful items. This is enough to start your pirate story and become the coolest and strongest player in the place. The list of cod...
We checked for new codes! Recommended Videos Roblox Blox Fruit is a famous game in which you try to become a master swordsman or a powerful blox fruit user to become the strongest player. You can either choose to fight against tough enemies or have powerful boss battles while sailing across...
How do you get a free XP boost in Blox Fruit? The fastest way to get a free XP boost in Blox Fruits is to use the Codes. There are a lot of working codes that will give you 2 times of Experience points. However, you can use each code only once. Also, make sure that you type...
Looked for new codes! Recommended Videos For those who have a fondness for colorful pirates who eat magical fruit to gain unique powers, you’ll likely have heard of Roblox Blox Fruits. It’s a twist on the One Piece manga and animation show where players can eat devil fruit to gain new...
All active Blox Fruit codesHere are the currently working codes you can redeem, last updated January 13, 2025:CodeReward GetPranked x2 EXP boost Chandler Free Beli KITT_RESET Stat Reset Sub2captainmaui 20 mins x2 EXP boost Kittgaming 20 mins x2 EXP boost Sub2fer999 20 mins x2 EXP ...
The faster you can travel from the spawn to the chest point, the more you can gather up. The player in question used a Light Fruit at level 9 to fly from the spawn to the Blox Fruits money grind spot. How do I get more Blox Fruits codes?
The mansion contains a NPC and a boss. Trevor wants a physical fruit that has a very high value. You need to be at least level 1000 to get this quest, otherwise Trevor will ask you to leave. Usoap’s Island Usoap’s Island is directly behind the Kingdom of Rose POI. This area requ...