Blow-Up: Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni. With Vanessa Redgrave, Sarah Miles, David Hemmings, John Castle. A fashion photographer unknowingly captures a death on film after following two lovers in a park.
Blow-Up: Michelangelo Antonioni द्वारा निर्देशित. Vanessa Redgrave, Sarah Miles, David Hemmings, John Castle के साथ. एक फैशन फोटोग्राफर अन
Blow-Up: Regia di Michelangelo Antonioni. Con Vanessa Redgrave, Sarah Miles, David Hemmings, John Castle. Nella Londra dell'era Mod, un fotografo nota un'immagine sospetta nelle foto che ha scattato di una donna misteriosa in un parco desolato. (1966)本片获得1967年第20届戛纳电影节金棕榈奖。电影讲述一个摄影师发现谋杀案的故事。男主角是有名的摄影师,在化妆成工人拍完照片后,它开着豪华跑车回到工作室。在工作室工作一段时间后,男主角出来散心。男主角途经一个古董商店后,发现公园内的...
Blow-Up - Depois Daquele Beijo: Dirigido por Michelangelo Antonioni. Com Vanessa Redgrave, Sarah Miles, David Hemmings, John Castle. Um fotógrafo de Londres encontra algo suspeitoso nas fotografías duma misteriosa mulher num parque.
Blow-Up (1966) Roger Ebert / November 8, 1998 Michelangelo Antonioni's "Blow-Up" opened in America two months before I became a film critic, and colored my first years on the job with its lingering influence. It was the opening salvo of the emerging "film generation," which quickly ...
Review ofBlow-Up Blow-Up(1966) A confusing but thought provoking film! 17 April 2003 Antonioni was not a director that worried too much about people completely understanding his films. In fact I'd bet that he actually hoped they didn't understand everything. So I did not find it strange...
Blow-Up Jump toEdit Featured in "Film Review" How I Learned to Live with Being a Star (TV Episode 1967) Clips shown. The Siskel & Ebert 500th Anniversary Special (TV Special 1989) Clip of the mimed tennis match is shown. Daleun... haega kkuneun kkum (1992) Seen on a television...
Watching “Blow-Up” once again, I took a few minutes to acclimate myself to the loopy psychedelic colors and the tendency of the hero to use words like “fab” (“Austin Powers” brilliantly lampoons the era). Then I found the spell of the movie settling around me. Antonioni uses the...
Blow-Up: Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni. With Vanessa Redgrave, Sarah Miles, David Hemmings, John Castle. A fashion photographer unknowingly captures a death on film after following two lovers in a park.