Under an Elsevier user license Open archiveAbstract In this paper, we introduce a new method for investigating the rate and profile of blow-up of solutions of diffusion equations with nonlocal nonlinear reaction terms. For large classes of equations, we prove that the solutions have global blow-...
Under an Elsevier user license Open archiveAbstract In [27] Fujita showed that for positive solutions, the initial value problem (in RN) for ut = Δu + up with p > 1 exhibited the following behavior: If p < pc ≡ 1 + 2/N, then the initial value problem does not have any nontrivi...
In 1969,Jerome Hill, P. Adams Sitney,Peter Kubelka,Stan Brakhage, andJonas Mekasdecided to open the world’s first museum devoted to film. Of course, a typical museum hangs its collections of artwork on the wall for visitors to walk up to and study. However, a film museum needs special...
"Almost Too Simple", page in magazine selected, torn out and crumpled up, tossed to spectator, then content described, no switch, long-short magazine 1995 Cody S. FisherThree Kid Montethree coloring books Also published here M-U-M
Design of diffuser (reducing stage assembly) for superheater and reheater start up vent silencer in super critical once through boilers pressure of steam to low pressure into atmosphere while cutting of the noise produced while venting the steam in different temperature and pressure conditions... DK...
inspired by similiar functionality on theLed Zeppelin homepage. However, this functionality was considered to be beyond the project's requirements, and would also constitute dummy functionality since there are no server-side processes currently active on this project to enable a user to sign up to ...
On the blowing up of solutions of the Cauchy problem for ut = Δu + u1 + α J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. IA Math., 13 (1966), pp. 109-124 Google Scholar 8 H. Fujita On some nonexistence and nonuniqueness theorems for nonlinear parabolic equati...
Under an Elsevier user license open archiveAbstract This paper deals with quasilinear reaction-diffusion equations for which a solution local in time exists. If the solution ceases to exist for some finite time, we say that it blows up. In contrast to linear equations blowup can occur even if...