Define blouson. blouson synonyms, blouson pronunciation, blouson translation, English dictionary definition of blouson. n. A garment, such as a jacket or dress, with a fitted waistband over which material blouses. American Heritage® Dictionary of the
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LOUIS VUITTON 1854年,Louis Vuitton革命性地设计了初个平顶皮衣箱,并于巴黎开了首间LV店铺。Louis Vuitton的种种经典设计顺应了旅行历史的重要发展。1896年Louis Vuitton Monogram帆布首次面世,宣告了品牌的时尚面貌,其独有的创意也成为其经典象征;Louis Vuitton在法式传统中融入了时尚的色彩。代代相传至今的Louis Vuit...