我觉得BMC做为terminal 操作入门指导很实用。就课程内容,至少让我大致明白怎么先依据理论再分析数据,来评价从宏观至微观的events。那个BMC certification也是可以挂在简历里冲个数的。。。如果想了解某些具体的问题,当然是live help啦!ADSK这么多优秀青年随时待命!机器人给的检索答案也是挺好的,看个人喜好。---在校...
Mayor Bloomberg launches WiredNYC, a new program to establish a Wired Certification rating system for the city’s commercial real estate. WiredNYC encourages and accelerates deployment of broadband technologies and creates transparency in the commercial real estate market. ...
With its “right product and right market at the right time” approach, Supernal is investing significant time and resources into creating a new form of aviation manufacturing that marries aerospace’s high certification standards and automotive’s high-rate production technologies. Going forward, the...
Regarding who would be Everledger’s customer, paying for battery certification on our blockchain – there are opportunities in lots of spots along the supply chain, but it is most likely going to be the battery manufacturer or the EV manufacturer. In some countries, the vehicle manufacturer may...
如何评价Bloomberg新推出的BMC (bloomberg market concept)? Horace 迷途小书童 学完4门课程,课上小测验题,然后就能得个certification,最后立即在IB上更新下自己的证书,真香。 阅读全文 赞同 11 条评论 分享 收藏喜欢 Bloomberg BQNT<GO> ...
我觉得BMC做为terminal 操作入门指导很实用。就课程内容,至少让我大致明白怎么先依据理论再分析数据,来评价从宏观至微观的events。那个BMC certification也是可以挂在简历里冲个数的。。。如果想了解某些具体的问题,当然是live help啦!ADSK这么多优秀青年随时待命!机器人给的检索答案也是挺好的,看个人喜好。---在校...
在学校时上过。题主要是在美国大学的program有免费的access可以看看,是个不错的starter/refresher. 要是...