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could wash over the economy generally, and therefore indirectly over investment in clean energy and transport too. One is that the financial markets look more exposed than for many years, with interest rates rising or soon to start rising almost everywhere, and share prices sitting on top of...
That’s a pretty powerful theme emerging markets and global stocks. But despite the problems , the U.S. IRUÀ[HGLQFRPHLQYHVWRUVLQSDUWEHFDXVH economy is looking stronger, and other developed markets have been improving. we think long-term rates are really the story When the...
SPECIAL DOUBLE ISSUE August 10 — August 23, 2015 | How Google Lost Europe p50 far co Helping you see global markets as more familiar than foreign. That’s the power of a local neighbor, connecting you with over 200 countries, multiple time zones and 140 currencies worldwide. /yourcorner ...
Fiat currencies’ increased volatility and value decline has fuelled bitcoin’s value this year to record level. This has been driven by investors who are trying to avoid exposure to the current economic environment, central banks‘ stimulus and low interest rates. Is Bitcoin as an asset class ...