Without Abstractdoi:10.1007/BF02359138Leonie RennieKluwer Academic PublishersResearch in Science Education
Herbart(1776~1841)的统觉论(Apperception Theory)和形式阶段教学法。 [6]Herbart 及其追随者提出的将教学分为预备、提示、比较或联想、总结以及应用的五段教学法,曾深刻影响了20世纪的欧美教育界。 Bloom教育目标分类法将认知领域从简单到复杂,细分为知识、理解、应用、分析、综合和评鉴6个学识层级。从严格意义上来...
的统觉论( Apperception Theory) 和形式阶段教学 法。 [6] Herbart 及其追随者提出的将教学分为预备、提 示、比较或联想、总结以及应用的五段教学法,曾深刻 影响了20 世纪的欧美教育界。 Bloom 教育目标分类法将认知领域从简单到复 杂,细分为知识、理解、应用、分析、综合和评鉴6 个学 ...
線上測驗系統的試題品質及評分等化能力評估概念模式,強調Bloom理論在線上測驗系統環境中的使用範圍與限制.此模式也透過測驗等化觀念,針對教育領域測驗理論在評估試題品質概念上提出新的觀點.Since the rapid E-learning development, the online learning and testing have been important topics of information education....
Thus, there is a need to develop further the knowledge and application of concepts and theoretical models grounded in the lived experiences of the Filipino population. The present study utilized a grounded theory method to build a Filipino-based well-being model among university students. The ...
On Applications of Bloom s “Mastery Learning Theory”to Medicine Chemistry Teaching for Five-Year-System Higher Vocational Nursing Majors; 布卢姆“掌握学习”理论在五年制高职护理医用化学教学中的运用 2. On the Bloom hypothesis of learning variables and its influences upon Chinese reforms of higher e...
Learn the Bloom's Taxonomy definition and purpose, and see how it is used in the classroom. Understand the levels of the theory with Bloom's...
What is solo taxonomy in education? What taxonomy addresses the social and emotional needs of students? What is a species concept map? What is chronological classification? What are the major assumptions of labeling theory? What is a dichotomous question in research?
Today, when quality education is being put into effect, it is of great realistic significance both in theory and practice to look closely at Bloom's theory again and use it for reference. 关键词: mastery learning student viewpoint correction-feedback system inferior students 被引量: 27 ...
B. S. Bloom's Theory of Mastery Learning is referred to as an optimistic teaching theory. It can be appliedwithout changing the form of teaching at class, and has proved its advantages in improving physical education.In this article three aspects of this theory are discussed and evaluated in...