Lorin Anderson, a former student of Bloom, and David Krathwohl revisited the cognitive domain in the mid-nineties and made some changes. This new taxonomy reflects a more active form of thinking and is perhaps more accurate.Bloom's Revised Taxonomyimproved the usability of it by using action wo...
BLOOM’s REVISED TAXONOMY - PPT资料 Themindisnotavesseltobefilled,butafiretobeignited.(Plutarch)DegreesofThinking Consider:1.Studentsareengagedonlyinlower-order Providesawaytthoionrgkaniiznegth;inki.ineg.sktihllseinytorseixcleeveilvs,efro,motrhermeocstitbeas,icotorthehigherorderlevelsofthinking Design...
Revised'Bloom's'Taxonomy'-'Question'Starters' 热度: 相关推荐 Themindisnotavesseltobefilled,butafiretobeignited. (Plutarch) DegreesofThinking Consider: Studentsareengagedonlyinlower-orderthinking;i.e.theyreceive,orrecite,orparticipateinroutinepractice.Innoactivitiesduringthelessondostudentsgobeyondsimplereprod...
最后到了metacognitive knowledge层面,就如同周星驰在《食神》里面的角色,闭着眼睛也可以做出色香味俱佳的美味佳肴了。 Bloom to the Revised Version 四种认知层面相对应的,就是Content如何进入学生大脑成为知识的各种渠道,也是Revised Bloom's Taxonomy 所强调的。首先,比较显而易见的是,Revised Version是动词当道,强调...
This taxonomy provides educators with terminology to focus their lesson and to assist them in including all three domains, creating a more holistic form of education. This image, provided bySmart Tutor, reflect the revised taxonomy. Bloom’s original taxonomy was updated in the late 1990s by Lori...
Bloom’s revised taxonomy creates some great building blocks to get started with student achievement—it helps you, as an educator, focus on asking questions from your students within assignments, the classroom, and with the curriculum overall, instead of getting bogged down in whether an activity...
Perspective Fortunately, the revised Bloom's taxonomy, the same tool commonly utilized to guide curricular development and assessment, serves both of these purposes very effectively. Implications This tale of four pharmacy academicians uses the construct of the revised Bloom's taxonomy knowledge ...
2. BLOOM’S REVISED TAXONOMY BLOOM’sREVISEDTAXANOMY Remember Mengetahui Mengingatkembaliataumengenalpastimaklumatyangspesifik Youtellme;Icantellit backtoyou 1 BLOOM’sREVISEDTAXANOMY Understanding Memahami Menterjemahkanbahanatauideadaripadasatubentukkebentuklain;mentafsirbahanatauidea,menganggartrendmasadepan ...
As has been mentioned above, Bloom’s revised taxonomy has integrated the latest research on education and psychology (e.g. Constructivism, Self-regulated learning, and Metacognition) in 21st Century, most of which emphasize learners’ role in development and assumed that learners themselves ...
6. Evaluation: (In the revised version of Bloom’s Taxonomy, this is now #5) The ability to judge, check, and even critique the value of material for a given purpose. Examples of verbs that relate to this function are:judge, assess, compare, evaluate, conclude, measure, deduce, argue,...