Remove Ads hixenbaugh2344over a year ago Hi. I had exactly the same symptoms and I was diagnosed with colon cancer. Most patients with colon cancer have no symptoms at all, but things such as diarrhea, bloody stools, anemia, abdominal pain, weight loss and intestinal obstruction, may indica...
Alright shazizzle - this EP features fo' or fi' of the smackest, shizackest, mackest, paddilywackest, jackest tunes these muthafukkas ever writ, yo, and this next sentence is for my homey Nickolaus Poop-So-Plenty! The EP features the wiggly swoopy dreamy guitar loop sound effects that...
Recurring bouts of diarrhea over a short period of time associated with weight loss or lack of appetite can indicate a serious health issue (intestinal parasites, chronic diarrhea, IBD or liver disorder) and requires medical attention. ● Why is my dog pooping liquid poop? R...
Unfortunately our Australian student (and Krishnamurti devotee) had been in a serious motorbike accident not long previously, and could only walk on crutches for a limited period of time. He was in a lot of pain returning from the march, and we were forced to take a short cut home through...
they rely on others in the colony to protect the pups as if they were mothers themselves—and they do. It’s possible the poop provides a hormonal trigger. So if you find yourself in the midst of a naked mole rat coup, know this: if you lose, you’re going to get a lot of crap...