Garrett,Imgettingalittletiredofhalfanswers. 你能给个痛快话吗 Couldyoujustgivemeastraightone? 过去一个月左右布莱恩 Briansbeenstayingathisbrothersplace 一直都住他兄弟家 forthelastmonthorso. 你为什么不告诉我 Whydidntyoutellme? 你太吓人了 Youreintimidating. 大家怎么都这么说 Oh,everybodysaysthat. 所以阿...
CBS is well aware ofBlue Bloods'influence, making the network's decision to wrap up the hit police procedural and forge ahead with an in-universe spinoff series even more frustrating for fans of the original show.Blue Bloodshas been a CBS mainstay since 2010, growing to become one of the...
我没写什么巡警指南 I didnt write the patrol guide. 所有巡警必须随时待命接警 All members must be fit for duty at all times, 除非申请病假 Except when on sick report. 警员不能饮酒 Members may not consume intoxicants 致影响执勤程度 to the extent members become unfit for duty. 你是要我插手...
Then let me skip the smoke blowing and say this... 我过去十年一直帮助候选人胜利 having run winning campaigns for the past decade, 我很高兴能领到高薪酬 I am just as thrilled to cash my hefty paychecks 同时我也对胜利一方之后的 as I am bone-tired of helping get people 因政策失...
16 | On The Challenge, were you rooting for Bananas or Wes in that now-legendary elimination? 17 | Blue Bloods, of all TV cop shows — seeing as it revolves around the NYPD’s commissioner— pretty much has to acknowledge the real-life events of this spring, right? 18 | Which Labor ...
She'sbeenabrokenrecordaboutthatforyears. 她已经说了很多年了 Asacouncilwoman.Nowshe'stheSpeaker. 那时她只是议员现在她是议长了 Nowshehasmuscle. 现在她有权力了 WebaseourdecisionsontheBrokenWindowsparadigm. 破窗政策的实行是我们自己决定的 ThemomentsomeonetellsmeIcan't ...
那么这些都是浪费时间了 是吧 Then this was all a waste of time, right? 当然不是 No, its not... 坐下 我还没检查完 Sit down, Im not done with you. 你知道吗 你的症状 You know what, what you went through 是属于创伤性的 was a traumatic thing. 对谁都一样 看着我 For anyone. Look...
Could be something. - I was tired last night. 我就没去银行存款 I never made it to the bank to make the night deposit. 你丢了很多的钱吗 You lost a lot of money? 你丢的金额是多少 How much money you lose? 两万美元 Twenty thousand dollar. ...
“Everyone sees two people who belong together” — admitted that having her gone “got me thinking about a lot of things.” When Eddie asks exactly what, Barry shows up. Eddie suggests that Jamie join the two of them for dinner, but Barry announces that he got his hands on two...
marched together in the West Indian Day parade. 到此为止 Until now. 为什么到现在为止 Why until now? 奈杰尔·摩根 Nigel Morgan served time 因为谋杀♥警♥♥察♥未遂坐牢 for the attempted murder of police officers. 其实是因为煽动 是非暴♥力♥的罪行 ...