However justifiable canceling "The Peripheral" after Season 1 might have been, canceling Season 2 after already greenlighting it was no less out of the ordinary — and a bad omen for the future of studio-talent relations. Not long after the show's cancellation announcement, Joy and Nolan's ...
我愿意为她做任何事 Id do anything for her. 和一个毒贩做朋友对你来说一定很难吧 Mustve been hard for you to stay friends with a drug dealer. 坦白说 我们走向了不同岔路 I cant lie, our lives diverged a bit. 我拿到了私立学校的全额奖学金 I got a full scholarship to private school 而...
Iveknownyoulongenough,youcantlietome. 你帮我们我们也会帮你 Youhelpus,wellhelpyou. 我说过我会帮你留意 IsaidIdkeepmyeyesopenforyou. 但要惹上路人乔那就是找死 ButgoingafterAverageJoe,thatsadeathsentence. 你可别招惹那人 Youdontscrewwiththatguy. 我们不需要你去招惹他 Wedontneedyoutoscrewwithhim. ...
I've known you long enough, you can't lie to me. 你帮我们 我们也会帮你 You help us, we'll help you. 我说过我会帮你留意 I said I'd keep my eyes open for you. 但要惹上路人乔 那就是找死 But going after Average Joe, that's a death sentence. 你可别招惹那人 You...
Yeah,notforlong.Check,please. 谢谢 Thanks. 我去开车 Illgetthecar. 好谢谢你 Yeah.Thankyou. 你知道吗艾琳 Youknow,Erin, 你一直误会我 youkeepmistakingme 觉得我还是过去的那个马里奥·范吉利斯 fortheMarioVangelisofthepast. 但那个迷失的灵魂已经不在了 Butthatlostsoulisdone. 我现在是正经人了 Imonthestra...
for over 30 years. 我们可以坐在这里对着对方撒谎一整天 We could sit here and lie to each other all day long, 如果这是你想要的 if that's what you want. 你想知道真♥相♥吗 You want the truth? 折扣鞋店 你在Payless shoes 买♥♥鞋吗 ...
来吧 Mr.Drake, 德雷克先生 Thanksforcomingin. 谢谢过来 Ofcourse. 没问题 I,uh,cameassoonasIgotyourmessage. 我,嗯,一得到你的消息就来了 What'sthisabout? 有什么事? Let'sfindaroomwherewecantalk. 让我们找个房♥间谈谈 ThishassomethingtodowithHeather,doesn'tit? 这跟希瑟有关,是吗? shecalled...
Thanks for your time. 长官 Sir. 谢谢 Baker Thank you, Baker. 你要见我吗 You asked to see me? 请坐 Have a seat. 所以... So... 你为什么要骗我 Whyd you lie to me? 当我离开墓地时 When I left the cemetery, 我意识到我同意了一些我不应该同意的事情 I realized I had agreed to ...
我就在外面等吧 I'mgonnawaitouthere. 等谁 Forwhat? 罗斯 Russ. 他不接我电♥话♥也不回我短♥信♥ Hewon'treturnmycallsortexts. 怎么了 What'swrong? 你知道戒酒互助会的戒酒十二步骤吗 YouknowanythingaboutAA?The12Steps? 我知道 Iknowenough. 第八步和第九步是 Stepseightandnineare: 找到因为...
The ratings were .65 for last season, placing it 15 out of 26 for CBS’s scripted shows. It airs on Friday and the ratings expectations are lower, which is part of the reason it has lasted so long. I agree with you, I don’t think BB will be cancelled because of anti-cop ...